Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This is amazing

Hi everyone
i am just posting this quickly as i must go to sleep but i had to share this... the man touched my hubby and i's life a while back


its long BUT if you grab a cuppa and listen to him Im sure he will touch you too
he unfortunately passed away last year in july.. but what a gift to leave behind

will post another blog later..
brightest blessings to you all
Vic xxx


  1. OK you must have picked the looooongest video on You Tube, I have started watching it & only that it's getting late, I am going to have to come back to it. Sound VERY interesting!
    ~S~ xxx

  2. Just popped over to say Hi Vicki and to catch up on your past posts - whew! You have been busy - all I can say is keep at it

    When my computer finishes it's morning bug scan I'll have a look at your you tube link

    have a great day
