Ok so I set myself a challenge!
to see if i could update our kitchen window and see if i could get away with only spending a small amount of money.. OK baack track a bit to bring you up to speed...Dave and I are now FINALLY renovating our house and I have to say its not come soon enough BUT we really didnt have the time. (im sick of the dark colours, and saying ohhh one day! ONE DAY HAS COME LOL and well i believe you can do a really nice job on a budget..and with things you have around the house or get a garage sales and ebay)...Now I am home full time and after walking away (by our choice) from a new shop... I decided our home will be our shop!! wooo hoooo
ANYWAY I dont have any old pics of the window BUT here is phase one!
let the prettifying begin!!!!!!I purchased some CHEAP curtain fabric and the rest was found around the house and in my studio, found a few flowers and armed with saftey pins, pearls and beaded fringe i was off!
I will be working on this slowly over the coming days as I have a few things on at the moment... will post pics as I progress
Please ignore the messy state of my kitchen..I took these pics at night so the fabric looks more shiney than it is anyway once the kitchen is painted and I finish they I tink they will look pretty good!
well better go have to get Lily some breakfast
love to you all
Vic xxxx